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Wednesday, 11/27/2024
Added Nov 26, 2024
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good morning Trojans today is November 27th and we have periods 1 advisory 2 6 and 7 and we added 12:46 p.m. wait mmm oh mmm today's lunch is Kula pork with cabbage and Monday's breakfast is plain bagel without using your phone while on a crosswalk and cost you money or rewards your life University and County of Honolulu it is illegal for any pedestrian to view a mobile electronic device while crossing a street or Highway a mobile electronic device includes but is not limited to cell phones tablets laptop computers and digital cameras distracted walking 4 thousands of traffic accidents involving pedestrians Nationwide every year first time I finished I subject to a $5 fine a second violation would lead to the same fighter frame and each subsequent offence would cost you $99 a beyond the military finds however being involved in the track related energy could prove to be fatal 1 in 6 people who died in crashes in 2020 were pedestrians do your part to stay safe by maintaining situational awareness especially while crossing the street or Highway falls down heads up Christmas why are you listening to Christmas music it's only November because it's time to get into the holiday spirit especially with our winter spirit week coming up you got that right Trojans from December 2nd to the 6th is our winter Spirit Week entitled Holly Jolly Milan now kicking off our spirit week is children Nation hibernation well out of bed and come to school wearing your holiday pajamas who is this mean fellow with his skin all green and his teeth all yellow orange right Dorian is the Grinch because Tuesday December third is holiday Showdown come to school dressed as any holiday character or items such as the Grinch Santa a tree a reindeer and many more that is prideful winter white out is what Wednesday December is all about come to school wearing white or white white on a white shirt let it snow let it snow let it snow December 5th is winter come dressed up in summer higher like you lease or winter tire like Mari and I you could bring summer to Winter or winter to Winter to end their Spirit Week on December 6th let's have Trojan Nation come together for Fridays just a day title sent his Workshop where charging gear class colors or deck out in brown and gold at holiday accessories to be counted for Spirit points Friday is also our winter pep rally Santa will be listening for the loudest attendance check cheers so you guys there sleigh bells ring this is the preview of what this year's winter Spirit Week will look like please join us and get as we celebrate the holiday season and unite as 1 Trojan Nation offered in our tasting was from the Hawaii Lulu Cooperative which is a co-op of local farmers dedicated to revitalizing the production and enjoyment of bread fruit represents resilience perseverance and security ancient Hawaiian bread fruit grows used to be able to sustain around 75,000 people Gulu is very nutritional Hulu has 5 times more fiber than rice 2 times more protein than potatoes and it has 3 times more lutein than spinach thank you to everyone who made this event happen a case on the head maybe Continental men were cold as girls grow and we all lose our chance in the end or hair shape these rocks don't lose their shape Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend I'm thankful for my friends uh I'm thankful for my family uh they helped me get to where I am today oh oh my family I'm thankful for my friends and all the support they gave me I probably wouldn't have made it during this school year for without them so I'm thankful for my fans and people who thankful for me able to be part of the school so if a club and I'm also thankful for all my friends here at the school I'm thankful for my family always supporting me and everything I do um I'm thankful for my friends and family I'm uh thankful for my uh pets some food and my family and all the good features I have and um my family uh and Kanye West and my friends hey Josh what are you thankful for I'm thankful for my friends and family where are you Michael what are you thankful for I'm thankful for God for helping me throughout this world and lastly but not least what are you thankful for uh I guess my friends and family who are always supporting me thank you and I Dre am thankful for my friends and family and to get to life it feels so good do you like don't feel good I feel so good so good so good oh it feels so good to be alive
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