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We can all use a little help sometimes. Teen CARE has substance abuse prevention and counseling programs that are free and confidential.


Drug and alcohol use places teens at increased risk for accidents, risky sexual practices, poor academic performance, and developmental problems. Youth with substance use disorders also experience higher rates of physical and mental illnesses, diminished overall health and well-being, and potential progression to addiction.


As part of our prevention services, Teen CARE can partner with teachers to provide substance abuse, prevention classes. Students who participate in develop skills to resist pro-drug influences and other social pressures. Students can also follow our Substance campaign on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook,  and Twitter. Substance is what makes up a person—your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, and your personal attributes. Check it out!


In a 2015 study, when asked about use in the last month, 85% of middle school students and 68% of high school students in Hawaii were not using either alcohol or marijuana. Yet the reality is, some people do go down this path and need help. Talking to someone about your concerns shows a lot of courage, so don’t be afraid to talk to a trusted adult.


If you need support, confidential counseling is available. Through counseling, students explore the impact of drug and alcohol use on their lives and develop new ways to cope, communicate, and connect. Counseling can build a foundation that supports future health and happiness.


Teen CARE’s school-based services are funded by the Hawai`i Department of Health. Youth who want to learn more about our prevention or counseling programs can call us at 808-307-4294 or email us at [email protected] or reach out to us through this link. We’re here to help.


Michelle Paquin 
Site Counselor
Mililani High School