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Bulletin 09/16
Added Sep 15, 2020
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good morning Trojan I will assist Johnson and this is your Wednesday broadcast but we discuss things that matter to you because what matters to you is what matters to us last week Liga showed us how to save money by growing your own food we know that saving money is a crucial habit because at some point in our lives we will have to buy your own clothes Food daily Essentials and eventually a car and house with so many expenses to think of it can be difficult to decide where to prioritize your money that is why today misses a hyena from the finest apartment will teach us how to manage our money effectively how much does that cost my whole page did you spend the night in one day don't be judgemental didn't you just buy that toaster last week okay yeah but I spent half my paycheck in my bank account but I don't have it account so you have a bank account no I don't even know how to open one I told James my name is mrs. mahina and I'm one of our business teachers here at Mililani high school. I'm teaching Finance business economics and accounting today I'm going to talk to you about how to open up a bank account bank accounts allow you to safely store your money chakra cleansing Ernie receive your paycheck electronic unsafe for your future Additionally you have the convenience of accessing your funds with the use of an ATM or debit card when needed there are two main types of account checking and savings I eat each other on purpose checking accounts are useful for managing monthly expenditures while savings account are designed for long-term fee where can you open a bank account go to one of the numerous Banks or credit unions available with so many banks and Credit Unions to choose from how will you decide which is right for you you'll have to conduct the research much of which can be found but you can also ask your family or your friends for recommendation with a wide variety of account options available you should assess all the cost and benefits of each and some areas that you want to look at are the fees minimum balance requirements location ATM access ability as well as any online banking so now that you've done your research and you've met it's time to get ready to apply what will you need first two forms of government-issued ID this can be a driver's license and a state ID as well as a birth certificate or passport you also need to have your social security number proof of your phone address as well as your opening deposit and finally you also set up a signature card open your account what's that while you wait for your account to look to the right generally that would think either your ATM or debit card and that will come in the mail and additional you have a job your employer offers set up your direct deposit thank you mrs. mahina for that wonderful presentation on saving money next week will be joining the physical education department to talk about workouts that you can do at home during quarantine that's it for today's weather broadcast I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe Trojans in my bank account in my bank account in my bank account
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