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Added Sep 26, 2023
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you don't want to talk to me good morning cousin today Tuesday September 26th. 1 2 3 4 5 and 7 and end at 2:37. Morning News announcements Malcolm McDonald's on Tuesday 26 from 5 to 8 to support our children to do team has finally arrived if you place a order during jump start or before the deadline please come to p33 during non-class time to pick up your order let's pick it up before homecoming week I say o h you new members Club t-shirt money by Friday September 29th come at recess or after school to pay with cash or check please crashes to Google classroom for details Gracias my baby brother and left today's lunch is Korean chicken and tomorrow's breakfast is pizza bagel hey children get excited because homecoming 2023 is right around the corner our theme this year is Mililani Cinematic Universe where we do all things Cinema our homecoming needs will begin on September 30th with our homecoming parade following week there'll be fun dress-up days lunch activities are trojan give back service project last competition a pep rally against and our homecoming game against Kapolei on Saturday October 7th with a game and halftime show with all of these fun activities we encourage you to participate and get pumped up for the Mililani Cinematic Universe now let's dive into our dress up days and the Oscar goes to ignoring wow thank you everyone so amazing 2023 F150 with Mililani on Monday October 2nd I'm just go straight to your formal or you can wear and reward on a shirt on the best I'm the best play CCR. Lumos Aaron Jordan koi fish Lauren Amina Sarah Banks Komatsu Jaden Kizi or maroon and black class of 2025 come to school wearing your class search Dragon fried Mama's restaurant I buy wearing a costume or wedding box for Trojan come decked out in Trojan or in brown and gold knock everyone take your places got stuck and objects what are you doing here you want me to believe it come dressed as your favorite movie character Time Warner from Legally Blonde howl from Howl's Moving Castle instead of the Barbie room find Captain America from The Avengers and I'm a stormtrooper from Star Wars that's so cool we can't wait to see all your movie stars no photographic photographer Jennifer Spirit Lee Friday October 6th is high from Hot Rod black a like I can't wait to see all of your decadence. During our homecoming week and we're so excited to celebrate our homecoming 2023 with Milani Cinematic Universe Blu-rays my texts to me and Dez pep rally and game and you can earn a point three classes by participating in a different base and caught that's a rock guys let's break for lunch perfect Guy full movie that's all for your morning news have a terrific Tuesday Trojans
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