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Added Nov 21, 2023
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YouTube do my chores today is Tuesday November 21st for a 123457 Atlanta 237 student loans for mental health in mounties our next meeting will take place on Friday November 13th at 2:40 PM nh105 hope you can make it calling all court in Storyteller to the new creative writing classes for you will be posting on Slam poetry script writing and storytelling seems there's also an LT1 for a registration sticker Mission committee meeting on November 21st to prepare for and you're going to want to be involved come to n102 at 3 p.m. we had a successful drive on the river 5th West 50th coronavirus who said 150 lives are next I will be on February 4th increase our donors to save my life if you are 15 and in good health consider signing up use the following QR code or stop by and want to do for more information hi photography club my next meeting is on November 22nd from 12:46 to 1:18 in c201p then after that we have a higher shipping fee for listing agreement and complete the last page in your packet with your pair make sure both sides are complete before submitting to your body teacher get them in by November 29th will be late George isn't even facing his very own plant cells oh my god really I'm glad you ashes in whistling sage and oregano cranberry hibiscus and rosemary time and basil yay now can I plant in my yard come by the eye center before or after school on Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays all proceeds will go towards the FFA state competition stay sustainable Trojans tag TV set Petland Rockford SS truck never plaited drop ever what is the education path repeat. Out of Hearts work with children have fun and volunteer learn grow and reflect be a part of our family to register for foundations of Education hey mamas Cavallo's for a sneak peek our very own senior luau is called a sense of Tina and giving a fantastic food and fun with friends on January 13th will be from November 29th to 30th and December 1st at 7 to 7:55 a.m. will be located at next to Hickam Federal Credit Union we will be selling products from smhs Athletics and other CT Pathways such as building a construction culinary and more we also have new products this year such as I Trojan tumbler and a frosty Cup on Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. the Trojan Trading Post will be open from November 17th to December 6th we hope to see you there I wish my buddies were fun. it's a really easy going and low dress glass take me to friends of eating people advisory number to CVS in Eduardo for primary and is a terrific Tuesday Trojans
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