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Wednesday, 2/5/2025
Added Feb 04, 2025
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deep me let me slow it down Ain't It Funny I would change how the future be a branches I get nervous good morning Trojans my name is Laura today is Wednesday February 5th and your period's 1 advisory 26 and 7 and you end at 12:46 interested in working we are accepting applications to be a room cleaner you must be at least 15 years old to be considered if you're interested stop by the office and asked Mrs Cheryl for more information good morning children's this week is councilor appreciation week this is a great chance to say thank you and show your gratitude to all of our amazing MHS counselors for their tireless efforts in supporting our student body through every step of the way and helping us reach the Stars this is also an amazing opportunity to just stop by and say hi to make it known to our counselors that their guidance and support does not go unnoticed thank you once again to all of our amazing counselors thank you to those who signed up to donate blood on Wednesday you should have received your reminders as a card copy text or email remember to get a good night's sleep stay hydrated the day before and the day of the drive and eat 3 good me s if you would still like to donate please stop by n102 to see if there are any appointments available hey Trojans if you are interested in joining your class Council or the student body counselor as MHS applications are available at b105 we need students interested in making a difference and helping to create opportunities for your peers part 1 of the applications are due on Wednesday February 12th by 4 p.m. if you have any further questions stop by during non-instructional time hey aim members why you should join Council hey what's your name and occupation I'm trees I'm an asms council member why should you join Council because you get to interact with our complex area students in schools thank you hey what's your name and occupation uh I'm Ethan and across the 2027 reporting secretary okay why should you join Council uh this is fun and you need a lot of people all right thank you hey what's your name and occupation my name is Juliana Santos and I am the class of 2025 vice president why should you join Council I think you should join Council because you developed skills such as problem solving leadership communication and teamwork all while representing your peers and making their voices heard thank you yo Daniel you ever had a crispy Bowl know what is a crispy Bowl Rice Krispies means a little balls with sprinkles oh really how can I get 1 from from The Joy horse when and where he and L walkway on February 7th 7 after school uh today's lunch is roast turkey and tomorrow's breakfast is Portuguese sausages
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