- EBSCO PrepStep > Click on “Prepare for College.” *You will need to create a free account. Note: If asked to login to EBSCO, the user/password can be found at this link (must be signed in with school account)
- Marco Learning – *Scroll down to sign up to get the free SAT study guide and College Essay guide
- ACT Test Prep (Official ACT website) - This link takes you to the FREE resources on the official website. Includes a free ACT practice test, study guide, and links to free event.
- Preparing for the ACT 2023-2024 -- Free Booklet with full-length practice test and strategies
- EBSCO PrepStep > Click on “Prepare for College.” *You will need to create a free account. Note: If asked to login to EBSCO, the user/password can be found at this link (must be signed in with school account)
- Marco Learning – *Scroll down to sign up to get the free ACT study guide and College Essay guide
AP Courses
- College Board - Search for the AP exam (e.g. AP Chemistry Exam), Go to AP Exam - AP Students
> Exam Essentials
- EBSCO PrepStep > Click on “Prepare for College.” *You will need to create a free account. Note: If asked to login to EBSCO, the user/password can be found at this link (must be signed in with school account)
- YouTube videos: Advance Placement
- Marco Learning AP Study Resources – *Sign up to download the free study guides.
Test Preparation Resources at HSPLS (Hawaii State Public Library System)
- College and Exam Prep- Free online prep classes, study guides, practice tests for SAT/PSAT, ACT, AP courses. *You will need a public library card. MHS students may sign up for a free virtual library card at this link: