Databases Archive
| (Accessible only on campus) |
Country Reports
EBSCOhost (All subject areas)
FactCite (All subject areas) |
Gale In Context (All subject areas) Gale: Opposing Viewpoints
Infobase Databases for HEALTH and SOCIAL STUDIES (includes Cultures & Geography) |
Infobase eBooks (Bloom's Literary Themes) URL: |
Infobase eBooks (Careers and Vocational Guidance) *HINT: After logging in, click on the “Career” link on left to browse,or search by title at the top of the page. |
Infobase VIDEOS! Learn360 & Classroom Video (All subject areas) URL:
National Geographic Magazine Online Available via Teachers login w/ 8-digit employee number; students login w/ 10-digit IC number |
| (Accessible only on campus)
*Ask your teacher or a librarian if you would like to create a personal account to access NYT off campus.
PrepSTEP from EBSCO (Test Preparation) URL: *You will be asked to create a personal account, but all accounts are free of charge.
Salem Press eBooks for HISTORY, HEALTH, LITERATURE |
Star-Advertiser (eEdition) |
SWANK Streaming Videos (Full length feature films)
*Students get the direct link to movies from their teachers
World Book Online (All subject areas) |
World Geography and Culture Online
Link here
DATABASES at the Public Library:
Hawaii State Public Library System
HSPLS has a great selection of databases that the public may access online. To use their databases, you will need your 10-digit public library card number and your PIN (last 4 digits of your phone number).
HSPLS Virtual Student Card:
Sign up at this link to get a virtual public library card instantly! You can use this virtual card to access any of the public library's digital resources.